Letters to the Editor


NewCanaaanite.com recently received the following letter(s) to the editor. Please email letters to editor@newcanaanite.com for publication here.


Michael : It would be professional if you got your facts correct and interviewed the other side . 

Penny Young and Steve Karl are incorrect and overstepped their authority. Look at the Town Charter paragraphs C5-27, 28 and 29. The correct procedure was followed. [Rob] Fryer 2019 and [John] Lanaway 2016 were not even vetted. Karl is speaking falsities. In both cases the BOS voted on them and then presented them for a TC vote pursuant to the charter. There was no prior TC vetting or approval. These BOS and TC meetings and minutes are available on the Town website. I have all available for anyone’s study.

Also nowhere in the charter is the Audit Committee deemed a sub-committee of the TC. In fact if that were the case it would negate separation of power. AC should review TC internal control and actions.

I was active on the sub- committee studying the creation of the AC and the Town Attorney , Young and Karl relied on my input. Did you ever see my 2012 letter to [former First Selectman Rob] Mallozzi on creating the committee. In fact Penny Young was against creation of the AC as she incorrectly said: “ the TC can function as the AC”. Totally incomprehensible with over $100 million in bonded debt. The charter is not open and what they did is illegal. They did not follow the charter, nor follow past procedures and precedent. It was a discriminatory application of the rules. 

Also Mrs Young said: “in her legal opinion” she is not a lawyer.

Karl and Young addressed and charged the TC after the motion that they have a problem with the process not the candidate. Ira Bloom told them to vote on the candidate, they did not, they voted on procedure again incorrectly. 

They cannot change procedure at their whim and apply it retroactively. There is a charter. It is not open for amendment.

What is their real motive?

I challenge you to print this verbatim and give me my proper day.

Thank you.

Roy Abramowitz 


We are kicking off the twenty-fifth farmers market season on April 22 10a-2p., an exceptional Earth Day celebration! And we have you to thank for it. Join us at 244 Elm St, Old Lumberyard Municipal Parking Lot, by the train station.

On behalf of the farmers and vendors, I would like to express my sincerest appreciation for the tireless efforts of Jean Cortes, the farmers market’s original founder. If it had not been for her passion and determination in bringing the market to town, there wouldn’t be one.

I wish to express my deepest gratitude to the New Canaan community, and surrounding towns, for helping make the New Canaan Farmers Market a fruitful place for friends and families to gather.

It is with great pleasure that we celebrate serving the New Canaan community for what will be our twenty-fifth season. Wow, how times have changed! But the mission of the New Canaan Farmers Market remains the same! To provide the community of New Canaan with the freshest, finest Connecticut grown produce, artisan products Connecticut has to offer.

Twenty-five years is a long time. Beginning with a humble assortment of six farmers and one baker back in the day in the Old Center School Municipal Parking Lot, to over thirty-five farmers and vendors, plus a multitude of community organizations that visit the market throughout the season. We are looking forward to hearing our beloved musician, Henry Jones, again! We are planning many seasonal theme days, such as pickle fest, Julia Child’s Day, Hot Pepper Pappolooza, and so many more.

We are glad to host Coffee with a Cop days and look forward to the fire truck returning for our first responders day. A new collaboration has taken place with the Carriage Barn Arts Center as well. Look for several Farm to Barn events coming soon. Twenty-Five years of growing together is something to celebrate.

I would also like to thank residents Patricia Spugani, Tucker Murphy, Robin Bates-Mason, and many others too numerous to name, who continue to provide assistance, ideas, support throughout the seasons. Also, a special thanks to the Town of New Canaan, Director of Health Jennifer Eielson, for her guidance in keeping the market safe through the pandemic and beyond. We also appreciate the efforts of Deb Katz, who keeps it all organized. We welcome our newest sanitarian, Geno Gagnon, and look forward to collaborating with him on market issues.

We look forward to continuing to work with Bethany Zaro, New Canaan Human Services director, to provide Farmers Market vouchers to low income residents in need. A well-received program.

And a big thank you to the New Canaan Chamber of Commerce for spreading the word about the market.

The Farmers Market is open every Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., April 22 until Nov. 18 in the Old Lumberyard Municipal parking lot, 244 Elm Street. It gives us great pleasure to announce a year round option for the future, details to be decided. We appreciate the Board of Selectmen’s support and approval and look forward to working with the town to expand on the market’s mission. Please visit newcanaanfarmersmarket.net to subscribe to our mailing list to get the most current information.

The Farmers Market is open to all! Once again, I would like to thank the community for continuing to support the New Canaan Farmers Market and look forward to meeting you on opening day. I will be the one wearing the big hat. There are plenty of parking spaces, especially for those in need of handicap access. For those of you who are out of town, the train is just a few steps away.

Thanks a bunch.

Lexi Gazy, New Canaan Farmers Market

2 thoughts on “Letters to the Editor

  1. Lexi,
    While this has surely been a community effort, we thank you so much for all that YOU have done to make this market such a success. The move to the Lumberyard appeared seamless to the public but I am sure was quite a project! And the handling of Covid was exceptional. Having Henry Jones playing great tunes and having the little area set apart for kids to play are great additions. We look forward to this season and will come every Saturday that we are in town.

  2. Thank you for being such a vital part of this amazing community! Looking forward to another Home-Grown Season!!

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