Local Businesses and COVID-19: New Canaan Bicycles 


For today’s Q&A with a local business navigating this COVID-19 public health emergency, we hear from town resident Lou Kozar, owner of New Canaan Bicycles. Here’s a continuously updated list of what’s open and closed in New Canaan. 

Ann and Lou Kozar of New Canaan Bicycles. Credit: Michael Dinan

Here’s our exchange with Kozar:

New Canaanite: Tell me about your hours and service offerings now during the COVID-19 emergency, when the physical store there on Cherry Street is closed to the public. 

Lou Kozar: We are offering a two-step for sales and repairs. We encourage our customers looking for bikes or gear to visit our website, where they can find our up-to-date inventory. Those in need of repairs can select a service option and drop off the bike at our front door bike rack or arrange to have the bike picked up from their home. We are in the shop building bikes and completing repairs Monday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please call during hours with any questions, 866-629-2453. 

New Canaan Bicycles. Credit: Michael Dinan

How are you faring at New Canaan Bicycles amid these restrictions? What has the response been like from the community? 

Like all local businesses, we pride ourselves on highly personalized customer experience. Doing business through emails and Facebook is a new challenge we are working on. It is reassuring to see that so many folks in town are looking to cycling as a fun family activity.

What is the biggest part of your business right now?

Kids bikes are very strong, and adult “around town” trail riding bikes or rolling out.

What is your sense at this point about whether the business can outlast the crisis?

We feel blessed that we will weather this storm. 

What is your message to customers?  

When life seems gloomy, grab the kids and go for a bike ride. If your tires are down, call New Canaan Bicycles.

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