One thought on “New Board of Selectmen Sworn In at Town Hall Ceremony

  1. Congratulations Dionna, Steve, and Amy on officially taking office. And to Andrew Brooks for your continued service to the town. As a community, we are so fortunate to have leaders such as yourselves willing to step forward and serve the greater good. Especially at this time of year, we have so much to be thankful for; and we look forward with optimism to an even brighter future.

    At the same time, it is fitting to say THANK YOU to Kevin, Nick, and Kathleen for your many years of public service. You have accomplished much during your tenure and, overall, you have helped to improve life here in New Canaan in so many ways. In addition, your leadership, coupled with many others, has placed New Canaan in an enviable financial position when compared to many other municipalities. Again, we are so fortunate to have public leaders of your caliber seek to serve the greater good.

    Of course, everyone in our community is not going to agree with every position taken or decision made; past, present, or future. But on balance, we citizens should be confident that our elected officials have the overall best interests of the town of New Canaan at heart when balancing difficult issues.

    In closing, may God bless each of you in your new roles. May God continue to bless our community. And may God bless America.

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