New Canaanites Gather at Lakeview Cemetery To Honor Veterans 


Members of VFW Post 653. From the left Mike McGlinn, Rich Mercado, William D. Ferri, Brian Vanderheyden. Credit: Leo Mikkola-Patel

Dozens of New Canaanites gathered at Lakeview Cemetery on Saturday to plant more than 1,500 flags honoring every locally interred veteran who has served the United States in both combat and non-combat positions.

Chris Wilson and Mike McGlinn Credit: Leo Mikkola-Patel.

Organized on behalf of VFW Post 653 by New Canaanites Chris and Frances Wilson, the community event saw residents come together on a beautiful May morning to honor our veterans.

“This is one of the greatest events the town puts on,” Post 653 Commander Mike McGlinn said. “There are about 200 people and 20 community groups who come together to help out the VFW… It’s a tremendous thing for a small town like New Canaan to have this done.”

New Canaan Boy Scout Troop 45. Credit: Leo Mikkola-Patel

The New Canaan Fire Department, New Canaan Police Department, Boy Scout troops 45, 31 and 70, Cub Scout packs 70, 45 and 7, Girl Scouts of New Canaan, SLOBs, Democratic and Republican Town Committees, New Canaan YMCA, New Canaan Chapter of the National Charity League, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and Hannah Benedict Carter Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The gravestones with flags is the setting in which the annual Memorial Day observance ceremony is held.

Volunteers Lisa Schulte, and Sam and Charles Whinery whom I worked with to put up flags on Saturday. Credit: Leo Mikkola-Patel

In a beautiful reflection of New Canaan, more than 200 people—ranging in age from 5 to 95—helped honor the veterans. The VFW also arranges for wreaths to be placed on the gravestones each holiday season.

Asked what the gathering meant to him, Chris Wilson said, “I have always had a lot of respect for veterans—this is the service my wife and I do.”

L-R: Leo Mikkola-Patel and First Selectman Dionna Carlson

First Selectman Dionna Carlson was among those rolling up their sleeves to help in the effort.

“This event is very meaningful to me,” she said. “My grandfather served in World War II and I have been a part of this event since my kids were little… so I love to see the community coming together to honor those who have served our country.”

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