7 thoughts on “Officials Weigh Possible Third Stop Sign at 106-Carter Street Intersection

  1. Raised in town near this intersection issue has been continuously approached but never resolved since 1960s.

  2. I hope this dangerous section of Rt. 106 gets improved for safety very soon. Like others, I pass through this area at least twice a day, and frequently witness “near misses”

  3. How much money has this town spent on “consultants” since 1960 on this project and still done nothing – sometimes if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, its a duck. Put 4 stops signs up. Hard to hit someone when your not moving. Put a Policeman at the corner to write up those who think stops signs are just a red sign with no meaning. Heck the tickets will pay for the “consultants” in no time. Then call it a day. Stop wasting tax payers money on silly consultant and engineering plans that do nothing more then waste money.

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