[Paul Payne is the New Canaan fire marshal.]
This month many young adults are preparing to travel to college. Students and parents carefully researched the school for the best academic experience. To this point parents have ensured their child’s safety and security living within your home, now they are being asked to live on their own.

Fire Marshal Paul Payne. Credit: Michael Dinan
There is an annual average of 4,000 fires in college dormitories, fraternities, sororities and related housing. Over 80% of the college student fire fatalities occurred in off-campus housing. Most of the fires occur between the hours of 5pm and 11pm. The most common cause of dormitory fire is cooking. Smoking and unattended candles are the next most frequent causes. Approximately 25% of all campus fire fatalities follow a party.
The best way to prevent a loss of life or property from a fire is preventing ignition from occurring. Early detection is the next best prevention. Here is a list of some prevention tips.
Smoke Detection
- Ensure there are working smoke detectors on each level and each bedroom of a structure. Dorm rooms should have a smoke detector as well in any living areas of suites.
- Do not disable smoke detectors or remove batteries!
Cooking Safety
- Cook only where it is approved with approved equipment, cooking in your room with a hot plate is
not acceptable! - Do not leave cooking unattended.
- Leave the door closed on oven or microwaves if there is a fire inside.
- Keep the cooking area free of anything that can burn.
Electrical Safety
- Do not use extension cords or overload outlets, there should be adequate electrical outlets for all appliances, computers, printers etc.
- If necessary ,use only surge protectors or power strips that have internal overload protection.
- Keep lamps, fixtures and light bulbs clear of anything that can burn
Candles and Smoking
- Smoke outside of the building in designated areas and discard smoking materials in approved containers.
- After a party, check for cigarette butts under cushions, furniture can easily catch fire and burns quickly.
- Ensure candle holders are sturdy and will not fall over
- Never leave candles unattended!
- Use battery operated candles whenever possible.
Your Escape
- Plan your escape. Identify two ways out of the dorm, exit signs in hallways should show the way out.
- Keep bedroom doors closed.
- Exit the building when the fire alarm sounds.
- Participate in Fire Drills!
- If the door is hot do not open it!
- Stay low! Crawl under smoke.
If you are planning to live in off-campus housing choose a place with a fire sprinkler system, redundant (hardwired and battery) smoke detection, and good maintenance/housekeeping.