Wendy Dewey
This week on 0684-Radi0, our free podcast (subscribe here in the iTunes Store), we talk to Wendy Dewey of the New Canaan Garden Club. Together with Alice Wyman, Wendy is co-chair of the club’s Conservation Committee, and is one of the people responsible for the Irwin Park goats project.

Rusty Wyman looks on at Irwin Park goats (L-R) Miss Bo Peep, Ralph and Stewie in the summer of 2021. Contributed
Introduced two summers ago to a cordoned-area at the western end of the park, the goats have been grazing on invasive plants, and their three summers of work will wrap up in September. We talk to Wendy about what prompted the Garden Club to get the goats, the job the goats have done and what’s planned for the area.
Here are recent episodes of 0684-Radi0: