Police Commission Approves New Traffic-Calming Measures for Silvermine Road


The NewCanaanite.com Summer Internship Program is sponsored by Carriage Barn Arts Center.

Town officials this month approved several new traffic-calming measures in Silvermine.

During its July 19 meeting, members of the Police Commission voted in favor of striping on the side of Silvermine Road—reducing the amount of drivable space, forcing drivers to slow down—a new crosswalk near the Mill Road intersection and a solar-powered “speed sentry,” a speed monitoring device.

Police Deputy Chief Andrew Walsh recommended that the striping on Silvermine run from the “intersection at Valley Road to the intersection at Comstock Hill Road.” 

Walsh said police have observed large amounts of foot traffic near the intersection at Mill Road.

“It’s definitely highly traversed as a pedestrian, we think it would be safe to have that,” he said during the meeting, held at police headquarters and via videoconference.

Commission Secretary Shekaiba Bennett, Chair Jim McLaughlin and member Paul Foley voted unanimously to approve the changes.

The decision followed a meeting earlier this summer where Silvermine residents outlined their safety concerns.

Director of Public Works Tiger Mann said that the cost for the crosswalk and side stripes will be “around $6,800” for epoxy paint that will last five years, which is the standard for similar projects.  

Mann said that First Selectman Kevin Moynihan has signed the quote “in anticipation” of approval being given,  which would allow work on the project to begin as soon as possible.

4 thoughts on “Police Commission Approves New Traffic-Calming Measures for Silvermine Road

  1. I travel this route several mornings each week and find the pedestrians and dog walkers more of a challenge. Hopefully they will use this crosswalk but I’m not sure they will.

  2. To add to my previous comments, it would be very beneficial to have a STOP sign on Silvermine & Mill Rd rather that just on Mill as it is very difficult to see traffic on Silvermine road when you’re coming from Mill.

  3. This is great news! Striping the sides of Silvermine Road also makes Driver assist lane departure detection systems work – a triple safety benefit for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Hopefully more scenic roadways in our Town will get similar treatment.

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