11 thoughts on “Police Investigate Dog Neglect Case on Oenoke Lane

  1. Clearly, the owner of these dogs is not willing or even capable of taking proper care of them. If she has no money to buy dog houses, she has no money for even normal medical care . And what about healthy food? Please….find a way to get the dogs to safety and to a loving home!

  2. If she cannot afford to properly care for the dogs by providing adequate warmth and shelter, she should not have dogs. Dogs are a financial commitment as well as an emotional commitment. The weather has turned much colder in the last few days. Wet dogs with no shelter are not good. Frozen dogs are inexcusable. They will die in these frigid temperatures.

    • Think about the financial viability of the State of CT. This person could be a divorced single mother, her husband or she could be unemployed for a prolonged period of time — especially if you are over 50. Their home could be in forclosure. Living in New Canaan does not mean you are rich. I have been rescuing dogs for the past 11 years. You don’t know what is going on in anyones life. We are great at hiding our pain/issues. Or she could be totally clueless and just consider dogs property. You don’t know what you don’t know.

      • Even homeless people who have pets take better care of them. You are very understanding and that is great. Perhaps you can think of a way to help this woman with her two dogs? This is inexcusable. I hope we hear more in the continuing investigation.

        • Have you seen the happy healthy dogs? I have, their home is beautiful, the dogs are well loved. This winter was very warm. The dogs loved being outside and now that it’s been cold, they are mostly inside. I spoke to the woman, she said the officer was very happy with the way the dogs were fairing and was surprised anyone would lodge a complaint, but had to investigate

  3. I’m familiar with this family and with these dogs in particular. They are perfectly fine, healthy, loving, very-well-cared-for, happy dogs who definitely prefer to roam freely on their property vs. being indoors – not unlike dogs in a more rural environment. Wet dogs = animal neglect?Since when? What if the dogs had free access to the garage? That would satisfy the requirement. Problem solved. Nosy neighbors will soon have nothing to watch so back to their desperately boring suburban life they must go.

    • I am familiar with these dogs and ensure all they are friendly, healthy, happy and loved. They sleep each night within the house as well as in poor weather conditions. They seem to have plenty of shelter throughout the property. I did notice when passing yesterday them like many of the kids in New Canaan they were out enjoying playing in the snow. I think an apology to owner maybe due from whoever made the compliant. Unfortunately these sorts of uninformed complaints waste the time of our police and can lead to giving our beautiful town a bad name as indicated by Emma R above.

      • My dogs love being outside in all conditions. In fact my Aussie refused to come inside after repeated attempts during last Saturday’s blizzard! (He finally did come in). When I leave the house while they’re outside, I always leave the garage door open about two feet with plenty of water and their “outside” dog beds. Not only is it dry, but it’s warmer in the winter while being cooler in the summer.

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