Local Businesses and COVID-19: New Canaan Pediatric Dentistry 

In today’s Q&A with a local business navigating the COVID-19 emergency, we hear from Dr. Anna Simonis of New Canaan Pediatric Dentistry. Officials said Wednesday evening that New Canaan has 55 confirmed positive cases and six deaths due to the virus. Here’s our exchange with Simonis. New Canaanite: Dentists are classified as ‘essential’ businesses under the governor’s order. In what way is New Canaan Pediatric Dentistry operating at this time?

Letter: ‘A Time To Be Mindful of the Many Blessings in Our Lives’

I understand that we all deal with difficult situations differently and believe we would all agree that we are in the midst of a difficult time, more difficult for some than others but difficult nonetheless. 

I am doing my best to view this as an opportunity and find or make some positive experiences where possible. 

I think we have a natural tendency to lean toward technology to help us carry on our lives with the least amount of disruption possible. My family has gone back to the dark ages and started playing board games in the evening and having movie night with each of us taking turns picking the movie, and yes “Frozen 2 “was my youngest daughter’s first choice. 

My wife has been laid off and may not be eligible for unemployment, but my paycheck is secure and we are provided for. We don’t have excess or abundance but we have all that we need, for this we are thankful. 

This is a time be mindful of the many blessings in our lives and an opportunity to separate us from the “things” in our lives that have no eternal value. I find it a happy coincidence that we are working through this situation during Lent, and I hope that when this passes we maintain some of the goodness that has come from it. 

I see kindness, caring and genuine compassion in others that renews my faith in the human spirit, for this I am grateful. Brian Platz

Letter from Staying Put: Use the New ‘Volunteer Shopper Program’

To the residents of New Canaan,

With the cases of coronavirus actively increasing in our town, I am writing to encourage all seniors not to go the grocery store where you could be exposed to this new virus, putting you at higher risk of becoming ill, or where you may be endangering others. Instead, participate in the Volunteer Shopper Program, a partnership between the town and Walter Stewart’s Market. This action is critical to the health and safety of our seniors, but also in the best interest of all town residents. 

The CDC has repeatedly stated that, “Older adults and people with underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness.” While it is difficult to calculate the number of cases in the United States at this time, early analysis shows that an estimated 60% of victims requiring hospitalization have been adults age 65 and older. 

An important part of our work at Staying Put is providing social activities for seniors. So I recognize that, for some, a trip to the grocery store is a social outing. The store is a welcoming environment and affords an opportunity to see friends.

Local Businesses and COVID-19: New Canaan Cleaners

For today’s Q&A, we interviewed David Mandel of New Canaan Cleaners, a local business that marked 30 years in February. Located on East Maple Street and offering pickup and delivery service, the cleaners is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Here’s our exchange. New Canaanite: How are you all doing at New Canaan Cleaners? David Mandel: Well we have some people we have had to lay off.