For today’s Q&A with a local business, we talk to Robert Ubaldo, chef-owner at Farmer’s Table.
The celebrated Forest Street restaurant is open 4:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and is trying to take advance of an expanded outdoor dining area (though, according to Ubaldo, some problems have arisen with respect to plan recently approved by the town that had been developed by a group of citizen volunteers). Here’s our interview.
New Canaanite: You recently have been allowed, as per the state, to open an outdoor dining area, after weeks of only doing pickup. How’s it going for you? Robert Ubaldo: It’s been real tough, because we only have a limited number of seats outside. The tables all have to be six feet away from each other and then also away from the curb and our fit-out barrier, so you can’t fit many people out there.