Town Upholds $25 Ticket Issued for an Unpaid Space in Morse Court

The Parking Commission at its most recent meeting voted unanimously to uphold a $25 ticket issued to a Ridgefield woman for an unpaid space downtown. Caroline Whelan told the Commission during a Sept. 9 appeal hearing that she tried to use the meter machine at Morse Court but that each time she pressed the ‘Start’ button “the screen just flashed ‘action forbidden.’ ”

“I inserted my card probably five or six times, pressing start and I saw a couple of other people around me who seemed like they were facing the same situation that had been trying to pay but just didn’t,” Whelan said during the hearing, held via videoconference. “And I was also late for a meeting, so I just kind of gave up. And would also like to note that the next time I parked there was on Aug.

Town Upholds $25 Ticket Issued to Man Who Had No Money To Pay for Parking

Town officials last week upheld a $25 ticket that had been issued to a motorist who didn’t pay for his parking space in the Park Street Lot. Lucia Pinho told members of the Parking Commission at their Sept. 9 meeting that her son didn’t take his own car to a dentist appointment in New Canaan because it was in the shop. Instead, he took his parents car and there was no money in it to feed the parking machine, Pinho said in appearing during an appeal hearing, held via videoconference. “He was rushing as normal to go to his dentist appointment that we tried to fit in before he went back to college,” she said.

Town Voids $30 Ticket Issued to River Street Man for Leaving Vehicle in ‘No Parking’ Zone

Despite neighbors’ complaints about traffic and safety problems caused by cars parked on what is already a narrow road, municipal officials last week voided a River Street man’s $30 ticket for leaving his car in a no-parking zone. There have always been no-parking signs at either end of River Street on the west side of the road, according to Parking Manager Stacy Miltenberg. However, the signs were far apart and residents mistakenly thought they could park in the middle section of River Street on the west side, she said. When the town installed sidewalks along that side of the street several months ago, public works officials put up temporary no-parking signs that became permanent once the sidewalks were in, she said. The town for many months has received complaints from residents “that it’s been difficult for buses and two cars” to go down River Street with vehicles parked on the side of it, though enforcement has been difficult in the past, Miltenberg said during a regular meeting of the Parking Commission, held July 8 via videoconference.

Parking Commission Upholds $50 Ticket Issued to New Canaan Man for Double-Parking on Elm Street

Municipal officials last week upheld a $50 ticket issued to a New Canaan man who had double-parked outside an Elm Street restaurant on a Tuesday afternoon in May. In pleading his case to the Parking Commission, Gayle Sanders said that he was “returning some lights to Rosie’s restaurant” that had been used at a catered event. “I had parked, double-parked right next to the restaurant,” Sanders said during his appeal hearing, held Thursday via videoconference. “I tucked in, there wasn’t any traffic and I put my blinker lights on, and carried the box in and then returned back to my car. I couldn’t have been more than one minute in the whole process.

Election 2021 Republican Caucus: Town Council Candidate Keith Richey 

New Canaan resident Keith Richey is seeking the endorsement of the Republican Party for a seat on the elected Town Council. We put some questions to Richey about his candidacy. Our exchange follows. New Canaanite: Tell us about yourself—how long have you lived in New Canaan, what have you been involved with here in town and what has led you to seek elected office? Keith Richey: My wife and I have lived in New Canaan since 1991.