Consultant to P&Z: 1913 Library Worth Preserving
The 1913 library building is worth preserving and can be saved “at reasonable cost and limited impact to the proposed new library,” according to a consultant’s analysis filed last week with the town planner. The building, which includes a 1930s addition, “retains many of its character defining features, is in very good condition and provides many benefits,” according to a May 19 report from William W. Crosskey III, founder of Hartford-based Crosskey Architects LLC. It “provides a sense of place, community pride and identity distinct from other places” and “maintains stylistic diversity to New Canaan’s architecture,” Crosskey said in the report, citing information collected by a principal of the firm during a May 14 site visit. The 1913 building also “provides stabilization and growth” and “enhances cultural tourism to town center,” among other plusses, the report said. Crosskey was hired at the request of the Planning & Zoning Commission to review New Canaan Library’s application as well as materials presented by a group advocating for preservation of the 1913 library, to help commissioners understand the pros and cons of saving or demolishing the structure.
P&Z is scheduled Tuesday night to hold its fifth and final public hearing on the library’s applications to build a new facility.