DUI: Man Tests at Nearly Five Times Legal Limit


Police late Monday arrested a 45-year-old Norwalk man and charged him with driving under the influence.

At about 11:23 p.m. on April 3, officers were dispatched to the area of Oenoke Ridge and West Road on a report of an erratic driver who parked in the roadway, according to police.

Officers found the man asleep in the driver’s seat, according to a police report.

He was uncooperative and unable to undergo standardized field sobriety tests, the report said.

Police took him to headquarters for processing on the misdemeanor offense, it said.

There, he provided two breath samples that established his blood-alcohol level at .3939 and .3788, nearly five times the legal limit of .08.

He was released on $250 bond and scheduled to appear April 18 in state Superior Court.

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