Black Bear Sighted Friday in Area of Irwin Park


Black bear sighted June 7, 2024 in the area of Irwin Park. SK photo

The head of Animal Control in New Canaan is reminding residents to back away slowly and never turn their back on a bear if they come upon one while walking, following another sighting at Irwin Park last week.

Multiple residents reported seeing a black bear in the Weed Street area of Irwin at around 7 p.m. last Friday.

“Make yourself look large and make a lot of noise” if a bear is near while walking, according to Animal Control Officer Sean Godejohn. “If possible, get into your car, home or garage.”

New Canaan is seeing an increasing number of black bears because their overall population is rising steadily, Godejohn said. 

A black bear was seen last summer in Irwin. Black bears typically breed in late June or early July, according to the state. During that time, males travel extensively in search of females. In New Canaan, bear sightings are reported to police all throughout town.

Bears don’t want to be around people,” Godejohn told “However, people make their properties welcoming to bears. Bears have a sense of smell that is seven times greater than that of a bloodhound. To make your home less welcoming you can: clean your grill more often, bring your trash/ recycling cans into your garage, enclose your compost piles, install bird feeders away from the house. If you have a beekeeping hobby, think about placing bear proof fencing around your hives.”

Animal Control asks residents to report coyote, bear and bobcat sightings to Animal Control at 203-594-3510 so that authorities can monitor their behavior.

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