After planting elm trees on Elm Street, New Canaan’s tree warden on Tuesday said he’s bringing cherry trees to Cherry Street.

New Canaan Tree Warden Bob Horan is replacing two dying
Bob Horan, owner of Pauley Tree & Lawn Care Inc., told the Board of Selectmen that he’s overseeing the planting of three cherry trees near the corner of Cherry Street and Burtis Avenue where a dead sugar maple now stands.
“I like the cherries on Cherry and elms on Elm—I commend you for that,” First Selectman Rob Mallozzi said during the board’s regular meeting, held at Town Hall.
The discussion emerged as Mallozzi and Selectman Beth Jones by a 2-0 vote (Selectman Nick Williams was absent) approved a $14,160 contract with a Stamford-based tree care company for multiple tree pruning and removals at various locations around town.
The work at Burtis and Cherry is part of the bid won by Stamford-based Almstead Tree, Shrub & Lawn Care, Horan said.
The tree warden said he’s taken down two dying sycamores out from of Baskin Robbins on Main Street and will replace them with three new, decently sized sycamores.
“We are also planting a sweet gum over by the train station, by the bank there, and an English oak on Forest Street where there is an open space,” he said.
Can’t wait to see White Oaks on White Oak Shade Road and Honey Locusts on Locust Ave. Wonderful to also see the Library sponsoring a Tree Identification Walk by Katharine Wagner-Reiss Today. All for more Trees!!!
Wonderful! I don’t know Chris was joking but I love the idea of Elms on Elm, Cherrys on Cherry, White Oaks on White Oak, and Locusts (trees) on Locust.
Also don’t forget Pines on Pine St, Oaks on Oak St, Maples on Maple St, and everything on Forest St.