The New Canaan Parking Commission recently received the following appeals letters from ticketed motorists.
“Put a loading zone in front of our store. I have pictures sent you pictures. My mom was parked where we were told to park yesterday . I had stuff in her car and did not want to leave open. I had 14 pairs of skis and boot. I put in her car she arrived @ 10:55 ticket at 10:58 in 15 min zone and I took pictures @ 11:13 (not 15 min). We got a ticket. I am not paying it!!”
Additional appeal letter: “We double parked for 5 min to unload a car filled with skis and boots by our door verse parking ½ a block away to shlep heavy equipment. Trucks double park all the time. And are there longer than we are. We normally try and unload behind our shop but today there was WAY TO MANY cars parked on the side entrance. We have been respectful. The town has made it harder for shop owners to unload. The amount of construction everywhere is causing more of a traffic jam than us being double parked for all of 5 min. We are a store of women. I am not walking ½ a block to unload a car full of heavy stuff. UPS double parks, fedex, food trucks, Starbucks people. We did it once today! And we are being chastised. And literally 5 min. Arguing lasted longer than physically emptying the car.”
$25 for overtime parking on Elm Street, at 10:58 a.m. on Nov. 12

Main and East Avenue. BT photo
“It was an honest misinterpretation of the parking sign. I assumed it meant no parking beyond the sign, especially since there was a car parked behind me. This is my first ticket in New Canaan and I would appreciate it if it was voided. Or, I’d be willing to compromise and pay half. I will be more cautious of parking signs in the future.”
—$30 for loading zone, at 10:15 a.m. on Oct. 28
“I thought you had to change the parking spot after 2 hours. I set a timer and moved my car to a different spot. I got a ticket. I walked to the Town Hall right away to let them know. They explained that you must change spots and streets in order for the time to be reset. They saw that I did change spots today within the 2 hour window, but got a ticket because it was the same street. They also let me know. I was informed of this in 2016 but apparently forgot in the years since, did my best to follow the rules today, so hoping for a pardon.”
—$25 for overtime parking on Elm Street, at 11:40 a.m. on Oct. 3 (Bridgeport resident)

Blocking the gate at the alley behind Elm Street by Park Street Lot. BT photo
“I went to go pay a dollar in quarters in parking space 155 around 9:20 a.m. to buy me some time because all I had was a dollar in coins on me at the time machine was jammed so I was not able to pay I ran inside my job over at Lepain Quotidian to get 3 dollars in charge to park at the back spots where it is 3.00 dollars for 6 hours at 9:23 a.m. my ticket was issued. I did not have time to resolve call and complain about the machine or to even pay but I had all intentions to pay.”
—$25 for unpaid space in Playhouse Lot at 9:23 a.m. on July 15
“In 2019, after 6 years of waiting, we were informed by the paring bureau that my name had come up for the parking lot permit. We accepted, and paid for a full year and then COVID hit and I never ended up using the permit. This week I had to go into NYC for work and recalled my permit at the Lumberyard Lot. I parked and went to the City and found this ticket on my car. Upon calling the Parking Bureau, Stacy reminded me that my permit was inactive because I had opted to be put on a priority list. I have no recollection of this discussion & no email to confirm. All I know is that I am getting ticketed on a lot I should be allowed to park in.” (File at Parking Bureau includes July 2021 request to put be put on priority list.)
“Pulled up to new Canaan Toy Store (in front). Part of my car was in handicapped zone. I went in to get my Pokemon cards for my grandson—they were there & paid for. Was in 1-2 minutes blinkers on car running — I did not see ticket on car until I came out of Stewarts Market. It was there! I would appreciate any consideration you can.”
—$150 for handicapped zone on Park Street, at 10:04 a.m. on July 13 (New Canaan resident)
For a town touted to be quaint, welcoming and shop worthy – it is becoming quite the opposite. Parking on Elm Street is non existent for the visitor in town. The delivery and supply trucks suffocate the street. The municipal lots are overpriced.
The Parking Authority is merciless.
After all the necessary sidewalks are put in can we widen the supply streets to the back of the stores? It would ease things a bit. AND request the parking authority to review the intensity of it’s duty in a post pandemic economy in a time of inflation.
In the meantime I am shopping in Darien.
Enjoy Darien. If you’re doing your holiday shopping there, be sure to check out the Darien Athletic Foundation team store. Huge sale on Blue Wave merch after that Turkey Bowl. Happy holidays!