7 thoughts on “Letters of Endorsement 

  1. If you’re half paying attention, you may hear the New Canaan Republican Board of Education candidates promising benign-sounding things like, “Maintain the excellence of our schools.” Based on most of what they say, you’d be hard-pressed even to discern their party affiliation. But listen closer and you’ll catch what they are really aiming to do is not actually about maintaining. It’s not even about moving forward. It’s about dismantling and moving backward.
    The Republican candidates seem to be carrying the torches of the national party’s culture wars. In barely-coded language, comments in interviews reveals an agenda based on fear: fear of the different, the new world beyond exits 36-39. Schools are a fertile ground that reveal their fears of demographic change, shifting gender/sexual norms and cultural expression. We see this in their call to promote “traditional values.”
    This Republican educational fear-mongering is an entirely fabricated and well-funded alt-right Republican “wag-the-dog” strategy. In his 2020 podcast, Steve Bannon announced, “the path to save the nation is very simple- it’s going to go through the school boards.” The national strategy is infiltrating local elections. It’s not imagined. Ryan Girdusky, the founder of the 1776 Project PAC, which funnels money to GOP candidates in school-board races said that his goal is to boost at least 500 school-board candidates nationwide. He urged his conservative audience to “vote from the bottom up – go from the school board and then go all the way up to governor and the senator and we’ll have conservative majorities across the entire electorate.”
    On cue, Republican politicians and conservative media outlets have been wringing their hands about leftist indoctrination by so-called “activist” public school teachers and librarians.
    Our local Republican candidates “like” and re-post social media posts from groups like One Liberty Road. They raise code words like “parents’ rights” to suggest there is a need to intervene to protect their kids from being forced to learn scary topics like race, racism or sexuality. This is a boogeyman. New Canaan Public Schools classes have always focused on preparing kids for the future: no one is proposing to teach classes differently than they have been. No curriculum has been mined with CRT reading materials. Our outstanding teachers are not taking time out of their day to try to groom your kids. It’s a solution in search of a problem.
    Republican candidate Hugo Alves in his September 6, 2023 New Canaanite podcast (timestamp 25:42) interview said, “… make sure the parents have a voice in the development of the curriculum to ensure the stuff we don’t think is New Canaan specific doesn’t come in” (time stamp 24:41-25:42). What non-New Canaan “stuff” is being referenced? Does he mean European history? Macroeconomics? French class? U.S. Geography?
    Alves’ fellow Republican candidate Matt Wexler said the quiet part out loud in his September 9, 2023 podcast interview with the New Canaanite, “What I mean, the New Canaan way of life…needs to be protected, nurtured. It means not letting the outside world in or at least properly filtering the outside world with a lens of what’s best for New Canaan. New Canaan isn’t New Canaan if the outside world enters New Canaan” (timestamp 11:29-11:34). What does that even mean? Does ANYONE here agree with that?
    Last year Republicans on the Board of Ed called diversity a “distraction.” Yet, a petition signed by nearly 800 New Canaan High School alumni, the sons and daughters of New Canaan residents in 2020 argued otherwise. While praising their educational foundation, they reported being ill prepared for the real world after graduating because of the school’s lack of diversity. Mr. Alves called the petitioners and the eight who testified “misguided.” This wasn’t a group of high school kids (though it included current students). Many were adults, years beyond New Canaan public schools, in careers and graduate schools. They came back to give their observations out of a sense of pride and concern for their town. That ethic represents the best of what the school system inspires in graduates. Alves’ dismissal of their earnest concern and testimony should be disqualifying.
    According to a December 2022 poll by the American Federation of Teachers (evenly split politically), two-thirds of voters and parents are not worried about teachers indoctrinating kids. I have faith that, similarly, most New Canaan voters of both parties do not want to fight national political battles based on trumped up culture wars in our kids’ classrooms. I also have faith in our kids’ ability to process learning about people of different cultures.
    Typically less than a third of registered partisans turn out for primaries. That sliver of the voting population is not representative – but it does tend to be more motivated, more activated, and on the margin, more attuned to the wings of both parties. It would be better for everyone if those of us in the broad middle used our significant power to vote in Board of Ed members who are focused on key issues that truly are important for our kids’ education, rather than creating chaos. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
    Jess Heckerling

  2. I too listened to all the BOE candidates and shared your reactions, Jess.

    I worked for years in a Pennsylvania school district of 12,000 students who spoke over 60 languages and came from about 75 countries, many quite recently. No one graduated from that district without friends from all over the world.

    Never heard a student or a parent complain about this reality and my job was school psychologist. (In case you don’t know, hearing parents complain is pretty much the job description.)

  3. The New Canaan Democratic Town Committee (DTC) is compelled to address false and damaging allegations that have recently been leveled by members of the New Canaan Republican Town Committee (RTC) and its surrogates, against Democratic candidates in the upcoming Board of Education election.

    Sadly, the RTC – either through its own members or by taking a blind eye with regard to surrogates – has taken an insidious approach that both misrepresents our candidates and undermines the integrity of this election. Recent tactics include making false and misleading claims, anonymous social media trolling, and even impersonating the New Canaan DTC’s social media. In pursuing this base strategy, members of the RTC forget that after the dust of this election settles, we will still be neighbors, fellow coaches, and fellow parents.

    An egregious example has been the attacks on Democratic BOE candidate Lauren Connolly Nussbaum. In her 10 years in New Canaan, Lauren has built a reputation as a selfless, thoughtful, caring and community-minded neighbor to all. She is widely known as an advocate for all New Canaanites, and especially those who, like her, have children with special education needs. Rather than engage Lauren on the issues that matter most to our community, the RTC has assailed her character through surrogates, proxies, online trolls and its very own social media. These attacks on Lauren are demonstrably abhorrent and false, and they have no place in our town.

    Since October 6th, Lauren has been the target of two baseless and damaging public letters first printed in the new publication, The New Canaan Sentinel. The first “opinion piece” falsely claimed she supported firing 25% of our teachers, which is completely untrue. The second letter, sent from a woman who no longer resides in New Canaan, accused our candidate of indifference and callousness towards the terrorist attack on Israel. Both allegations are completely false and the latter defamatory. The RTC initially made itself complicit by posting snippets of these factually incorrect letters on social media and adding their own derogatory comments. Wisely, they have since been withdrawn, but these attacks are beneath the dignity of New Canaan and should be beneath the dignity of any members of the Republican Town Committee.

    In the next couple of weeks, we ask all New Canaanites to focus on the real and important issues that affect our children and public schools. We ask voters in New Canaan to carefully weigh which BOE candidates will best serve the community.
    Lauren Connolly Nussbaum and her fellow Democratic candidates, Brendan Hayes and Josh Kaye, are 100% dedicated to continuing to build upon our schools’ success, to put our children first, to being accessible to parents, to hearing concerns from across the community, and to advocating fiercely for academic excellence. Lauren, Brendan, and Josh will continue to campaign with the civility, decency, intensity and honesty that this town deserves.

    Christina Fagerstal, chair, DTC

    • One thing we did not talk about last night at the debate was social media influences combined with device impacts on kids (as well as teachers in the classroom). Your note makes this a great time to bring this up and here is a good piece in the Times about how Finland works with kids to recognize misinformation https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/10/world/europe/finland-misinformation-classes.html?searchResultPosition=2 – we should consider if we are doing enough as it appears based on your comment we may have some issues also here in New Canaan on that subject.
      If you want to see a piece that is pretty close to my views on cell phones in schools here it is https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-10-23/learning-loss-why-schools-should-ban-cell-phones?srnd=opinion.
      Long and the short of it is let’s get off our devices, social media and talk (and listen), nicely like we did last night, about how we want to take New Canaan Schools forward.
      If you want to set up a second in person debate or open forum to clear the air on this (or any other concerns people may have about the election) I am happy to be there and participate – Mike can moderate.
      And for sake of good order, first I heard about this was at lunch today – I am very happily not a member of the meta family or X.

    • Christina and I are friends and we have worked together closely on a number of issues of mutual interest like trying to get the town’s outdated voting equipment updated and limiting the amount of time that political signs line our streets during election season. We have also worked together on trying to bring down the temperature in New Canaan politics and increase the civility in our dialogue. Our efforts in the regard have mostly been successful. The 2022 and 2023 campaigns have been much less hyperbolic that the infamous 2021 election. That is why Christina’s post is so troubling for me.

      First, I will highlight the parts that are true. There was a post on the New Canaan RTC Instragram account which unfairly characterized Lauren Connolly Nussbaum’s position on the Hamas attacks. It was not a fair characterisation of her view or appropriate in the context of a local election. The post was deleted quickly. I have reached out to both Christina and Ms. Connolly Nussbaum to apologize for the post. As RTC Chair, I take full responsibility for that error. Contrary to some of the comments which circulated after the post, none of the Republican candidates were involved in creating or approving the post or were even aware of the post before it went up.

      Christina is also correct to point out that there have been other posts which highlighted comments Ms. Connolly Nussbaum made or positions that she took before she was a candidate. These are hardly baseless or nefarious attacks. They highlighted stated positions that Ms. Connolly Nussbaum took either in writing or in the context of Board of Education meetings. If she has changed her positions on these issues, she has many platforms as a candidate to make her current views known but the onus is on her to do so. Highlighting past positions on issues relevant to the office that you are seeking as a candidate is pretty standard campaign fare and well within the bounds of fair play.

      The rest of Christina’s comments are unrecognizable to me.

      There are anonymous trolls on social media attacking both sides. It is an unfortunate reality of today’s social media environment. The RTC has no more control over what they say than the DTC does.

      There is some irony in the claim of the RTC using surrogates. First, there has been a fairly fluid relationship between the DTC and 203Action, a supposedly non-partisan group that regularly attacks our candidates. Second, there are a number of entirely baseless claims in the midst of a post about baseless claims.

      Like the elected officials in our town, Christina and I will continue to be friends and work together for the greater good after this election. Hopefully, we can also go back to corresponding by e-mail, text and over coffee rather than in the comments section of the NewCanaanite.

      Chris Wilson
      Chair, New Canaan RTC

      • Well I for one am glad it happened in the comments section of the New Canaanite.

        Also, I am closing this thread and we will keep comments on all election-related stories closed through 8 p.m. on Nov. 7. The reason is that today, Oct. 24, is our deadline for endorsement letters. We announced that several weeks ago and have included that date in each batch of endorsement letters that we’ve published. I don’t want to get into a situation where I’m judging individual comments submitted after that deadline that could be read as endorsements. It would be a nightmare (trust me). So I’m closing this thread now and we’ll close other threads as needed—as in, someone who didn’t see this comment or didn’t like it submits a comment and I reject it and close the thread.

        Thanks everybody.

  4. I know it’s a long read, but there are a lot of really interesting and important points in today’s letters of endorsement, several of which come from some of our town’s most respected and long term residents. I encourage all voters to try and find some time to really look at the differences between Row A and Row B this year.