For today’s Q&A with a local business, we talk to Elan McDowell, a hair stylist, educator and consultant and owner of Studio Elan. The Park Street business is taking clients by appointment 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
Here’s our interview.
New Canaanite: You’re just reopening now under a new model, a new system with the COVID-19 restrictions. How are you faring?

Elan McDowell, owner of Studio Elan in New Canaan. Photo published with her permission
Elan McDowell: [Tuesday] is my first day back. We are socially distancing everyone. I have totally PPE’d my salon. We did post on Facebook and Instagram the protocol of what people should expect when they come in. They wait outside and then go through a series of COVID questions: Have you traveled abroad? Do you have symptoms of COVID-19? And I have a COVID-19 prevention sticker which shows I registered with the state. I went onto the state website and answered questions about protocols I have here.
What has the community response been like? What is demand like?
It’s been wonderful. I am very blessed with a lot of clients who waited for me. They did not use home hair coloring or attempt to cut their own hair. We are doing pretty well. We are booked for the next couple of weeks, which is pretty good.
What have people been doing since they haven’t been able to get to their hair stylist?
I posted on my Studio Elan page how there are these powder hair colors out there, like eyeshadow for hair, that women can use to temporarily color their hair. So I posted on our Instagram page the products I recommend they could use as a very temporary measure.

A look inside Studio Elan in New Canaan. Photo courtesy of Elan McDowell
How are things different at Studio Elan?
I pride myself on providing a very relaxing, calming hair environment, and a very professional environment. It is different from other salons, though right now I can’t pamper them as much as I would love to because of all the restrictions that are in place, all the specific guidelines that we have to follow.
What is your message for Studio Elan clients?
I want to thank them in advance for their love and support. And I am going to continue to provide them with the same quality of hair care that I have always done, and do the best that I can under these circumstances.