The Parking Commission recently received the following written appeals from motorists ticketed in New Canaan.
“It was a challenging day to find parking with all the construction on Elm St. plus this was the day that ‘Taylor Swift’ was at elm so town was busier than usual.”
—$30 for overtime parking in Center School Lot, at 1:44 p.m. on Oct. 19 (New Canaan resident)

New Canaan Post Office lot. Credit: Michael Dinan
“I was dropping off some heavy boxes for Personal Touch store in New Canaan. I was there for 2 minutes moving the boxes to the location for people who order stuff for the holidays is no fair and I really apologized but there was no parking space. I hope you understand and forgive me and not charge me for this fine. Merry Christmas.”
—$75 for obstructing a hydrant on Main Street, at 10:18 a.m. on Nov. 28 (Danbury resident)
“I received a parking ticket on 11/02/2023, stating that I was parked in a non library-designated zone without paying for parking. Stacey kindly explained to me on the phone that it was clearly labeled but I didn’t see it nor was it showing on the picture of my parking ticket. This is the first parking ticket that I have ever received in my life because I am very careful to obey parking regulations. I understand my error and I will make sure it won’t happen in the future again. As a new immigrant, I work very hard in this beautiful country and $30 is more than what I earn hourly. So if you may I humbly request if you can withdraw it and leave it as a warning.”
—$30 ticket

Pine Street Concessions lot. Credit: Michael Dinan
“No sign and thought it was part of private property. Also, the violation code is not listed on the website.”
—$50 for parking on the sidewalk on Park Street, at 10:47 a.m. on Nov. 7 (New Canaan resident)
“On November 6th, I received a parking ticket for parking in handicap. As we spoke on the phone, I take full responsibility for this and agree that nobody should be abusing the handicap spots in town. I ran into an emergency case on Monday when this occurred and requesting an appeal on this matter. I was driving down Elm St and was planning on making a turn on red to head home. However, my mom completely passed out and my only choice was to pull into starbucks and pull into the handicap spot to quickly run into the starbucks and grab water. When I came back, a ticket was placed on my windshield while my mom was inside the car. As mentioned, I take full account of this action but asking for this to be granted this time only.”
—$150 for parking in a disabled space