As we deal with hurricane season it is a good time to review generator safety. Past experiences show that many residents have generators at their homes that—if not installed and used properly—can pose a serious threat. The primary hazard is carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from the toxic engine exhaust.
Following is a list of do’s and don’ts for portable and stationary generator use and installation:
- Make sure that a building permit has been obtained from the Building Department for the installation of a standby generator.
- When choosing generator location, make sure it is located a minimum of 10 feet from any building opening (windows, doors etc).
- Close all windows adjacent to the generator to prevent toxic fumes from entering the home.
- Never store anything on or around the generator. Obstacles may interfere with its proper, safe operation.
- If you have a portable generator (one that you have to start and hook-up manually) never run it inside the garage or other enclosed spaces, even with the doors open, they must be outside and a minimum of 10 feet from any building opening.
- Never refuel a generator while it is running. The unit must be shut down and allowed to cool before refueling.
- Always have properly operating CO detectors installed in your home (in addition to smoke detectors!).
- Have your back-up power system serviced by a certified contractor annually to insure proper operation for when it is needed most.
- Always insure proper electrical hook-up to prevent back-feeding to the street, endangering the power company workers trying to get you hooked back up.
Every year, people die in incidents related to portable generator use and all of them could have been prevented. Please be careful.
For any questions regarding generator safety or any other fire safety questions please contact the New Canaan Fire Marshal’s Office at 203-594-3030.
Thank you to our Fire Marshall for providing this important information regarding generators. Although I don’t have one, I forwarded this article to out-of-state family members who do.