NCFD Puts Out Fire Inside West School Late Monday [UPDATED]

Firefighters late Monday put out a blaze inside West School. 

Alerted by a 10 p.m. fire alarm originating from the Ponus Ridge elementary school, the New Canaan Fire Department found that the fire was contained in an art room, officials say. “New Canaan firefighters were able to quickly knock down the fire and stop any fire extension from the room of origin,” the department said in a press release. “The fire originated in the kiln room. Fire damage was limited to art supplies and furniture in the room. This was attributed to the properly closed door to the kiln.

Fire Marshal: NCFD Responded to Two CO Incidents Sunday

The New Canaan Fire Department responded to two carbon monoxide as incidents on Sunday night caused by cars left running in the garage. The CO levels that were found in the house could be dangerous and cause serious health effects. One person was transported to the hospital for evaluation. Today’s technologies of remote staring and keyless fobs present challenges. A driver does not have to turn and remove a key from the ignition to turn off the vehicle.

Firefighters Put Out Blaze on White Oak Shade Lane Late Monday

Firefighters late Monday responded to a residential house fire on White Oak Shade Lane, officials say. No one was hurt in the blaze, which originated around 11:40 p.m. in the rear of a two-car garage and extended into an attic area above it, according to a press release from the New Canaan Fire Department. “The three occupants in the home were alerted to the fire when the smoke detector activated,” the press release said. “All the occupants were able to self-evacuate without injury. New Canaan firefighters were able to quickly knock down the fire and stop any extension into the living area of the house.