New Canaan Teen Struck by Car on South Avenue; No Serious Injuries


A 16-year-old New Canaan girl was spared serious injury after she was grazed by a car while walking along South Avenue across the Mead Street intersection, toward town, on Friday.

It happened at about 8:34 p.m., as the bonfire was wrapping up at New Canaan High School. A 76-year-old male driver from New Canaan was turning left from the northbound lane of South Avenue, onto Mead, when the girl—who was looking at her phone as she walked across the street—was struck in the right upper leg and lower back, knocked to the ground, police say.

The girl when she became aware of the car entering the intersection where she was trying to cross, apparently sped up, hoping to beat the vehicle, police said.

She was not hurt seriously enough to merit an ambulance call and trip to the hospital, police said. The motorist stopped right away and remained on scene, police said.

One thought on “New Canaan Teen Struck by Car on South Avenue; No Serious Injuries

  1. At the scene NCPD stopped innocent students, including my daughter walking home from the Barn fire and questioned them whether they and\or the victim was drinking. That is un acceptable intimidation tactics against our youth. Unless you smell alcohol leave our innocent children alone. Scare tactics are unnecessary in NC.

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