Rec Director: ‘Very Strong’ Waveny Pool Pass Sales as Season Opening Nears; 100 Nonresident Passes To Be Sold


The Waveny Pool. Credit: Hannah Tiller

Town officials say they’re seeing increased demand for Waveny Pool passes as the 2021 season’s Memorial Day weekend opening nears.

So far, the town has sold 538 family passes, according to Recreation Director Steve Benko.

The Recreation Department has also sold 65 individual, 41 nanny and 70 senior citizens passes, he said.

“We will sell a lot more,” Benko said.

Sales have been “very strong,” he said. “I’d say probably a little bit more than the previous years.”

After uncertainty about public health-related capacity restrictions delayed a decision this spring, the town has decided to sell its usual 100 nonresident passes to the pool, Benko said.

“We did a lottery,” he said, referring to the accustomed way the coveted nonresident passes are sold.

Resident family passes cost $455 apiece, while nonresidents pay $1,250.

Last year’s opening of the pool, usually set for Memorial Day weekend, had been delayed by a few weeks as the town awaited guidance from the state amid the first months of COVID-19. In the end, public health restrictions put a cap on how many people could be in the Waveny Pool at one time. (New Canaan reduced the fee for family passes to $300 due to the shortened season.)

In addition to the nonresident passes being sold, the Waveny pool is planning on returning to normal swim team and water polo team practices, according to Benko. There will also be swimming lessons offered on weekday mornings, he said.

Waveny Pool will open for Memorial Day weekend, starting at 12 p.m. Saturday, and then will fully open for the season June 5, according to Benko.

“We’re excited about having a good season again,” he said.

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