Allyson Halm
Black Bear Sighting on Ludlowe Road
New Canaan’s Animal Control officer is urging residents to be mindful of unintentionally leaving food sources out in their yards after a black bear attracted to a bird feeder was spotted on a Ludlowe Road property late Tuesday. The bear sighting is the sixth reported so far 2023, all of them on the east side of town, according to Officer Allyson Halm.
In a perfect world, bird feeders “should be put away at dusk or put on a pulley system so you can raise them away from a bear’s reach, far away from the house, if possible, because if a bear gets curious—and they are curious—and there’s food and a back door open, that could be a problem,” she said. “It goes for any type of food source. It’s really important not to feed your dog or cat outside and to understand that a bird feeder will attract them, as will chickens and beehives.”
The last series of black bear sighting reports that Halm received were up on North Wilton Road in January, she said, and in those cases the animals appeared to be attracted to garbage bins. The bear sighted on Ludlowe this week likely was a young male seeking to establish his “territory,” Halm said.