Letter: Town Council Candidate Colm Dobbyn ‘Smart, Thoughtful, Fair-Minded and Caring’


Colm Dobbyn is exactly the kind of resident we need on Town Council. He is smart, thoughtful, fair-minded and caring. As a corporate attorney, currently at MasterCard and formerly at PepsiCo, Colm has experience in analyzing complex problems and identifying creative solutions. He has applied these skills very effectively on the Inland Wetlands Commission, on which he has served for ten plus years—as I have for the last seven. Colm is a very good listener and a thought-leader able to persuade other commission members to support his clear-sighted and balanced point of view.

Letter: First Selectman Candidate Craig Donovan Has ‘Balanced View of New Canaan’

I turn on the TV or read an article and if it is something related to Washington, D.C. I quickly become disgusted. Hyper partisanship and everything that ensues from it is a destructive force, whether it is in Washington or the halls of the capital in Hartford. In this increasingly divisive environment, I hope that most will still consider the individual and not just the party affiliation. 

It is in this context that I support Craig Donovan. Craig has a balanced view of New Canaan. He recognizes there are many things great about our town—the charming downtown and open spaces, the parents who are highly invested in their kids’ education and a core group of generally excellent teachers and administrators, the friendliness of most people, among other factors—and there a number of things that need to be improved.  Namely, transportation, budget transparency, strategic planning, and fiscal spending.

Letter: Kevin Moynihan Has Advanced Environmental Sustainability Projects

To the Editor:

Everyone who lives and works in New Canaan will benefit from the environmental sustainability projects Kevin Moynihan, first selectman, has advanced. Results will include reduced operating expenses for homes and buildings, cleaner air and enhanced community and natural open spaces. I am an energy and environmental consultant providing advisory services to the town of New Canaan, and a former resident. During the 13 years I lived in town I was a member of the New Canaan Conservation Commission, Long Range Planning Committee and a trustee of the New Canaan Nature Center. During that time, I advocated for a comprehensive sustainability plan and was met with great frustration.