Letter: Moynihan-Williams Team ‘Brings Numerous Accomplishments’

As we kick off Election 2019 I couldn’t be more pleased to support Kevin Moynihan for First Selectman and Nick Williams for Selectman. They are strong, dedicated and forward-thinking leaders who have served New Canaan with extraordinary focus on the issues facing our community. This team brings numerous accomplishments, with overarching concerns for preservation of our historic past, and ensuring a bright, sustainable future. Waveny Park field/trails/gardens are being rejuvenated through the public-private partnership with the Waveny Park Conservancy; Waveny house is receiving needed repairs and soon will be ADA accessible for people of all abilities. Solar energy has been brought to several town-owned buildings and schools; natural gas has arrived in Town; both projects have brought significant savings to our budgets.

Letter: New Canaan Should Re-Elect Moynihan and Williams

The citizens of New Canaan should re-elect Kevin Moynihan as First Selectman and Nick Williams as Selectman for the Town of New Canaan. On November 5th our community will have the opportunity to show our support for the continued leadership of Moynihan and Williams. The duo has already proven their ability to work together with a balanced approach in order to drive our town forward. Their accomplishments to date are numerous, and it is imperative that we allow them to continue and complete their positive initiatives. Kevin and Nick have lived in our town for more than 20 years each and have an intimate understanding of how town government works. Their years of service in numerous capacities of government, school and volunteer organizations gives them a strong appreciation of what matters most to their constituents.

Letter: Robin Bates-Mason for Town Council

Robin Bates-Mason would make a fine member of the Town Council. Robin grew up in Darien and has lived in New Canaan for 20 years — she knows this area well. She has two sons at New Canaan High School. Robin organized and leads Planet New Canaan where I have observed firsthand her knowledge, caring and energy helping New Canaan to be more green, to deal with plastic bags, to pick up litter, to educate school kids and adults with speakers and films, along with many other efforts. New Canaan is recycling less of its waste and spending substantially more than nearby towns on waste disposal.

Letter: Re-Elect Moynihan, Williams 

First Selectman Kevin Moynihan and Selectman Nick Williams have consistently been innovative, respectful, ‘Can Do’ listeners who get things done for all of New Canaan. They have earned our votes. Have a question? An idea? Send them an email, or better yet, give them a call.