Town Voids Ticket Issued to Local Woman for Parking in Town Hall Lot


Town Hall Parking Lot on July 21, 2024. Credit: Michael Dinan

The New Canaanite 2024 Summer Internship Program is sponsored by Karp Associates.

In what was deemed a misread of the situation, town officials this month voided a ticket issued to a local woman for parking in the Town Hall lot.

Members of the Parking Commission during their July 10 meeting voted 3-0 to void a ticket that had been issued to Marnie Miller for parking in the lot behind the municipal building while appearing to have no Town Hall business.

During her appeal hearing, held at Town Hall and via videoconference, Miller said she had come to register her dogs at Town Hall but stopped in Greenology for a drink beforehand. During that small timeframe, she had been issued the ticket, with the officer believing she was using the lot for other business. 

“I came to register my dogs and it was hot so I popped across the street,” Miller said. “When I came back to pay for my dogs, [Town Hall officials] had left for the day and then I got the ticket. I was kind of surprised. I got this ticket within two seconds.”

Commissioners Nancy Bemis, Kevin Karl and Katie O’Neill voted unanimously to void the ticket following a brief discussion. 

Parking Manager Stacey Miltenberg said that the department has stepped up its vigilance of the lot because an increasing number of motorists are using the lot for non-Town Hall business.

“What has happened –  just to make you aware –  is that it’s come to the Town Hall’s attention that there are a lot of people using that parking lot for business other than Town Hall, meaning they’re going other places – Stretch Lab, Pilates, they’re going to eat  – and the parking lot has been very full and we have been told to monitor it more frequently and to keep an eye out for people who are not coming into town hall,” Miltenberg said. “So obviously the officer observed you not going into Town Hall initially –  like a lot of people – so he went back out and ticketed. 

Despite this, Miltenberg clarified that the Town Hall parking lot can be used after hours for locals without Town Hall business. 

In response, O’Neill asked, “What are after hours for Town Hall?”

Miltenberg replied, “Town Hall closes at 3:30.”

Miltenberg added that given it’s tax time, space availability is even more pressing. “We are watching a lot more frequently, we are watching where people go when they get out of their vehicles,” she said. 

O’Neill said she supported Miller’s actions. “I personally am inclined [toward] leniency because you did have business you were doing here and you just went to get something to drink before you came in.”

Bemis questioned whether or not Miller had received the dog license from Town Hall that day. 

“Did you get the license?” Bemis said. “Because then obviously we would know that you went into Town Hall and it was a matter of six minutes you parked and went to Greenology and then came back.”

Miller replied, “No, they actually closed at 3 which I didn’t even know so I came back the following week and did not get a Greenology drink”

Bemis said they could take Miller’s word without looking through camera footage. 

“I think if we were going to get forensic about this there’s probaby CCTV cameras that can show Marnie walking up to the door not knowing she had yet been ticketed but coming in with her drink from Greenology and trying to get her dog license,” she said. “I don’t think we need to do that, I think we can take her at her word here and I do believe as Katie said that we have a matter of minutes here between parking at 3:15 and coming back to a ticket issued at 3:21 [both stamped on the ticket as well as the time on the officer’s report]. We’re talking about a nine-minute window after which the parking would not be monitored and all of those factors for me just lead me to say let’s let this one go.”

O’Neill said regardless of the timing, Miller had come on legitimate business and had simply decided to get a drink beforehand, which she supported. 

“I’m OK with that – you know, maybe don’t go get your hair colored – but I’m still OK with that,” she said. “I mean should our position be – and I’m new –  but if you wanted to run over to Greenology you have to leave this parking space even though it’s right across the street?

Bemis replied, “No, I don’t think so. She could have been going in for a meeting and wanted to get a refreshment to go sit down for an hour-and-a-half.”

Miltenberg said, “We are not as strict as that, we just didn’t know of the follow up. You were observed not coming into Town Hall but there was a question because we didn’t have the second part answered.”

O’Neill said she thought the officer was right in issuing the ticket given the information he had at that moment, unaware that Miller did have official Town Hall business.

Following the discussion, all members voted to void Miller’s ticket. 

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