6 thoughts on “Affordable Housing: Town Eyes Purchase of ‘Avalon’ Property on Lakeview Avenue

  1. Kudos to those involved with this creative solution. The acquisition of these existing units, even though expensive, is likely far less than the current replacement cost to build new (assuming we even had the land to do that!). This seems like a win-win solution. I say this with two key thoughts in mind: 1st, that the existing residents of the Avalon properties are allowed to continue their current lease as structured and no one is displaced; and 2nd, that the project can be financed and managed without ongoing taxpayer subsidies being required. Overall, I believe this is an extremely creative idea!

  2. I support more affordable housing in town, but we seem to be segregating all the town’s affordable housing units in this one section of town. At least with the Avalon property there would be a mix of affordable housing units with market rate units.

    • If you’ll forgive me this is a SLAP IN THE FACE to those of us “senior” seniors who are to old to move. Where are we meant to go? We’re here by grace and can’t afford the monthly rate of very expensive retirement living in places like Atria in Darien. (They have waiting lists anyway.) America is in potential chaos no matter who wins in November. Warnings have been issued re. violence and possible food or financial “famine” in months ahead. (I believe Avalon Drive West already has its required number of low income apartments. Oceans of thanks for your consideration.

  3. I echo Leo’s praise for this very innovative and creative idea. I will be closely following the development of this idea. Again, kudos to all involved.

    • I should point out that I received some feedback critical of this headline. Because the buyer would be a NC Housing Authority entity rather than the municipality itself, the town will not incur debt in any transaction, I am told, so the word ‘Town’ in the headline should be ‘Housing Authority.’

  4. On the surface this sounds like a very creative and interesting idea. I would also echo Victor’s comment regarding the potential drawbacks of concentrating the town’s affordable housing stock in one area of town.

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