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Selectmen, BOE Honor Deceased NCHS Student
Town officials this week have called for moments of silence at public meetings to honor the life and memory of a New Canaan High School student who died Saturday. During Monday’s Board of Education meeting, Chair Hugo Alves called for the elected body to “take a moment of silence to honor and remember Elliott Kropf, a beloved member of our school community who tragically passed away this weekend.”
“Our thoughts are with his family and friends during this difficult time,” Alves said at the start of the school board’s regular meeting, held in the Wagner Room at New Canaan High School.
New Canaan’s highest elected official, First Selectman Dionna Carlson, also asked for a moment of silence during Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen at Town Hall. “I would just like to ask for a moment of silence in honor of Elliot, a senior at New Canaan High School who passed away on Saturday night,” she said. “It’s a tragedy for the community.”
NCHS started on a two-hour delay Monday, with buses running at regular times to give friends time to gather in support and speak to counselors and staff, as needed.
A Zoom session held Tuesday morning with crisis expert Maria Trozzi filled up 500 slots very quickly, according to Superintendent of Schools Dr. Bryan Luizzi. The session, titled “Building Resilience in Kids when they Face Difficult Situations & Challenging Times: Coping Skills for Kids and Families,” will be held again at 7 p.m. Wednesday (there are 5,000 slots available) via Zoom link (Meeting ID: 931 6191 9037).