Fire Marshal: NCFD Responded to Two CO Incidents Sunday


The New Canaan Fire Department responded to two carbon monoxide as incidents on Sunday night caused by cars left running in the garage. The CO levels that were found in the house could be dangerous and cause serious health effects. One person was transported to the hospital for evaluation.

Fire Marshal Paul Payne. Credit: Michael Dinan

Today’s technologies of remote staring and keyless fobs present challenges. A driver does not have to turn and remove a key from the ignition to turn off the vehicle. The remote start button can be pressed accidentally, unintentionally starting a vehicle. Both events usually occur with the garage door closed.

To protect against these events vehicle owners and drivers should take extra precautions to ensure the vehicle is turned off when one exits the car. When the vehicle is started and warmed up the car should be backed out of the garage.  A carbon monoxide detector should be installed inside the home within 10’ from the entry door from the garage.

Carbon monoxide can also be produced by un-maintained or improperly ventilated furnaces, hot water heaters, or cooking equipment. Gasoline powered tools and generators also produce CO and should not be allowed to run inside.

The New Canaan Fire Marshal offers free home inspections, call 203-594-3030 to schedule. 

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