Letter: First Selectman Candidate Kevin Moynihan ‘Best Suited To Lead Our Town’


The recurring theme from both candidates during the LVW debate is that our issues, such as cell service and commuter parking, are not Democrat or Republican issues, they are Town of New Canaan issues. There is a difference between the candidates running for First Selectman. We need a leader who can think outside of the box, and does not feel the need to limit options unnecessarily. This ability to consider all options frees those tasked with providing options or solutions to consider all the possibilities, with deliberate, thoughtful and careful analysis. First Selectman Candidate Kevin Moynihan is best suited to lead our town and face New Canaan’s issues.

Let’s take Kevin’s efforts on natural gas as an example. It was a dead topic based on discussions with the First Selectman, but during the budget process, Kevin questioned certain requests for capital projects at the schools when the long-term answer would be to bring natural gas to town. Why spend money on new propane or oil tanks at the district when our town should focus on natural gas? He had the idea, then he helped encourage the parties to come back to the table and a deal was struck with Eversource. The capital budget request was struck from the current budget, for an immediate savings, but more importantly, these collaborative efforts to get natural gas in our facilities will bring substantial fuel cost savings to our town buildings, the YMCA, the schools, and our town residents for decades.

Kevin’s in depth understanding of the details surrounding the issues, his problem solving and analytical skills, his research into best practices and solutions achieved in other towns shows his dedication and commitment to our community and that he has the requisite skills necessary for First Selectman. During his term on Town Council Kevin collaborated with ALL members of Town Council, Democrat and Republican alike, to achieve solutions, which is in stark contrast to what is happening at the state level. New Canaan will need cost savings, collaboration and creative thinking now more than ever given the financial mismanagement at the state level, which will force even greater budget pressures on our own town. We need the proactive leadership of Kevin Moynihan as First Selectman – he will bring that laser sharp focus to the issues at hand so they can finally be resolved. He will raise the bar for the benefit of all of us. This election is not about words, it is about actions and outcomes.

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