New Canaan Dogs Quarantined After Biting Delivery Man


Two New Canaan dogs are undergoing quarantine after biting a delivery man on Cheese Spring Road last week.

On the morning of Dec. 2, New Canaan Police received a call from a Yonkers, N.Y. man saying that at about 4:45 p.m. the prior day (a Sunday) he’d been bit on Cheese Spring at Knollwood Lane.

He was making a delivery when “two dogs bit him on both his legs,” according to an incident report obtained by through a public records request.

The delivery man went to the Norwalk Hospital ER for treatment, according to the report, written by Animal Control Officer Sean Godejohn.

On reaching the dogs’ owner by phone that same Monday morning, Godejohn learned that a male 4-year-old Labrador mix “Cody” had a rabies vaccination that had expired Oct. 12, and that a male six-year-old poodle mix “Cooper” had a current vaccination. Both dogs are registered with the town and go to Grove Street Veterinarian, the report said.

Godejohn ordered the unvaccinated dog to be quarantined off-property, meaning at a vet hospital or kennel, while Cooper is undergoing his quarantine at home. Quarantines typically last 10 days, and Cody presumably will undergo his rabies shot while in quarantine. 

It wasn’t clear whether the victim had to undergo rabies shots, too.

Under state law, “Whenever a person, companion animal or other animal has been bitten or attacked by a dog, cat or ferret, any state, municipal or regional animal control officer shall quarantine such biting or attacking dog, cat or ferret for ten days.” When the biting animal has a current rabies vaccination, it “shall be quarantined in a public pound or in a veterinary hospital or in a commercial kennel approved by the State Veterinarian for such purpose or on the premises of the owner or keeper of such biting dog, cat or ferret when such premises is adequate for the confinement of such animal, as determined by the authority that issued such order.”

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