7 thoughts on “Selectman Williams Pushes To Fill Open Board of Ed Seat

  1. I respect Mr. Williams tremendously, but I have an issue with the revisionist narrative presented here. In fact, when the BOE decided not to fill the seat, it was said that “some” wanted to wait until after the Republican caucus; but Ms. Parkhill, a Republican herself, seemed to disagree with that, saying she had wanted to fill the seat as soon as possible. It seems, then, that 4 Republicans wanted a certain candidate or candidates, with which none of the other 4 BOE members agreed (including one Republican). It’s an important distinction.

    Also, Mr. Campbell has publicly accused our administration and teachers of putting politics above our students, threatening to indoctrinate them in a “Marxist ideology” by aiming to teach with diversity, equity and inclusion in mind, among other things. Who knows what other extreme positions he pushed at the Republican BOE debate and caucus, since neither the public nor the press were allowed to attend (and those who attended but attempted to tape it were apparently told they would be asked to leave). A candidate who takes any opportunity to undermine the integrity of our amazing administration and teachers is a “terrific” candidate? I hope all voters do a bit of digging before agreeing on that point.

    Finally, what is urgency in seating someone at the end of September with an election in less than two months from then?

    • While there are many potential responses to Hillary’s post, I will stick to the highlights:

      1) Clearly the Democrats on the BoE thought that having a full Board was important in July when Penny Rashin pushed for a Special BoE meeting weeks before the Republican caucus. It was a blatantly partisan manoeuvre – something that has no place on the BoE – which is why it was blocked by Republican members.

      2) There is a long history of filling vacant Board seats at this time of year. In fact Katrina Parkhill was appointed to the vacant 2 year seat in October 2022, just weeks before the November election without any objection. The opposition here seems candidate specific, not a point of principle.

      3) The RTC runs an open, fair and truly (small d) democratic process. No one should take Hillary’s criticism of any part of our caucus process seriously. She is not commenting in good faith.

      4) Matt is an outstanding candidate for BoE who will energetically advocate for the interests of New Canaan’s students and who understands issues of diversity from his lived experience.

  2. Why would they vote to put a candidate in the elected role as a seat filler a month before an election? The majority R BOE could not agree on a candidate that could get through a vote, so now it’s been suggested that one of the candidates that was not approved to go up for a vote at the BOE should be installed for a couple of weeks prior to an election? Thank you Kathleen and Kevin for having better judgment than to meddle prior to an election. The voters will have their say just a month later than this agenda item in 2 weeks.

  3. I know Matt personally and have worked side by side with him on various charity / youth development projects for a decade. If by giving countless hours of unremunerated service to help develop the next generation of leaders is considered “radical”, then sign me up for more please.
    Matt is a tremendous asset to the town and would bring multi faceted diversity to our BOE – the horror!

  4. What a terrific endorsement of Matt Campbell for the Board of Education by Selectman Nick Williams. One decent, honest man supporting another for public service, that is the spirit of New Canaan. Matt would be a terrific addition to the BOE, a devoted, loving father and kind man who will always put our children first. 

  5. I watched the DEI debate and Matt called DEI “Marxist division”. For those who failed history class, Marxism relies on dividing the population by characteristics (socioeconomic class, race, etc) in order to promote “equity”.

    Matt Campbell is a terrific candidate and won convincingly. The town as spoken! Thank you Matt for providing your intelligence and character as a wonderful candidate for the BOE! The support is all yours!!