4 thoughts on “Selectmen Vote in Favor of $1 Million Acquisition of Grove Street Property

  1. This is a great idea. Having another potential access into the Lumberyard parking lot vastly increases the value and utility of that lot, whether it remains a parking lot or is ultimately converted into another use (uses?). In the meantime, the house can probably be rented out for enough to recover the purchase cost and the property can be sold if it ever becomes clear that it is no longer needed. It is so nice to see the Selectmen working together on such a far-sighted investment.

  2. I am surprised to hear that the Town wants to acquire another property after stating publicly for many years that we have “too much” property and need to divest. The acquisition and plan outlined would commit the Town to additional funding for capital improvements, just like all the other old buildings that the Town owns (e.g. Irwin Park, the movie theatre). The Grove Street location is strategic, but I think the taxpayers would prefer that the home be razed and not require further spending. Also, should be divest other “unneeded” property to pay for $1 million tab for 28 Grove Street

    • Thanks Corey. In terms of municipal approvals, this appears to be moving rather quickly through the process. The Board of Selectmen approved it Tuesday morning and the Board of Finance approved it hours later (I had originally reported that it wasn’t on the finance board agenda for this month but I was mistaken–please see correction at top of story).

  3. Who are the people renting the property at the time of the article?
    Who sold the house to the town on Feb. 2, 2023?
    Grace Grasso owned the house at the time of her passing, but who gained control of it since her passing in December of 2021?

    This is a point of bewilderment with some of her nieces and nephews, and not many interested parties were informed of any negotiations with the town.

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