Dog Euthanized After Attack in New Canaan

A Darien man had his German shepherd dog euthanized last month after the animal got off-property in eastern New Canaan and attacked two dogs walking past, severely injuring one of them. The incident unfolded on Thayer Pond Road on the morning of Friday, Jan. 3, according to a New Canaan Police Department case report obtained by through a public records request. The owners of the two victim dogs—a Cockapoo and Cocker spaniel—also were injured as they tried to protect their own pets from the large black German shepherd named “Crypto,” according to the incident report from Officer Allyson Halm, head of the NCPD Animal Control section. Crypto was about 13 months old, officials said.

New Canaan Police Impound Small Dog Reported as Found on Route 123

New Canaan Police have impounded a small, neutered male dog that a Canaan Parish resident reported finding last Saturday afternoon on Route 123. The approximately 1-year-old dog—likely a mixed-breed, such as a Havapoo, Morkie or Havichon—was “frightened and suspicious” at first, according to Officer Allyson Halm, head of the New Canaan Police Department Animal Control section. “Now I’m his caretaker and best buddy,” she said. Anyone who recognizes the dog should contact Animal Control at 203-594-3510. 

Halm said she has named him “Vingt”—French for “20,” since he’s the twentieth impound of this fiscal year and arrived in 2020. He’s at widely discussed Animal Control shelter at the Transfer Station.

State: 5 Coyotes Trapped and Killed in New Canaan in October, November


Five coyotes were trapped and killed in southwestern New Canaan in October and November under a state-issued permit, records show. A raccoon also was caught in the trap and released on site, according to information from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Issued Sept. 23 for the area of Adams Lane after a coyote snatched and killed a small dog outside, the nuisance wildlife control officer’s permit ran through Nov. 30. 

Here’s a summary of the trapper’s work, according to a Nuisance Wildlife Control Special Permit Report submitted to DEEP as required by state regulations: obtained the report through a public records request. 

State officials originally had issued the permit through Oct.