Dan Radman
P&Z Elects Dan Radman as Chair
The Planning & Zoning Commission on Tuesday unanimously elected Dan Radman as chair, succeeding John Goodwin in the highly visible volunteer role. An architect by profession who has served as an insightful and articulate commissioner, Radman was appointed to P&Z in December 2011 by First Selectman Rob Mallozzi and Selectmen Beth Jones and Nick Williams. The same Board of Selectmen appointed Radman as a regular member of P&Z in April 2014, replacing Roger Rothballer. Those voting in favor of his election during an organizational meeting overseen by First Selectman Kevin Moynihan included outgoing Chair John Goodwin, Secretary Krista Neilson and commissioners Kent Turner, Dick Ward, John Kriz, Claire Tiscornia, Arthur Casavant and John Engel.
Neilson also was unanimously elected secretary during the meeting, held at Town Hall and via videoconference. Moynihan thanked P&Z, calling the appointed body “our hardest-working commission.”
To Goodwin he said, “On a personal basis, it’s been great working with you as chairman and I really appreciate all your service.”
Goodwin had mentioned his intention to step down from the role of chair in very brief remarks last month. During Tuesday’s meeting, he spoke at greater length, as follows:
“Unlike land use lawyers, I will be brief and non-repetitive.