Town Upholds $150 Ticket for Woman Who Parked in Disabled Space


Town officials this month upheld a $150 ticket issued to a Norwalk woman who’d parked in a disabled space on Main Street on a Tuesday morning in May.

The sign on Main Street can be seen through the vehicle in this case. Parking Bureau photo

Kim Scavo told members of the Parking Commission during her July 8 appeal hearing that she was confused because the disabled space outside the New Canaan Fire Department is designated by a sign affixed to a nearby railing, not a curbside post.

The blue paint on the street that normally indicates a disabled space also isn’t visible as it is for other such parking spots in town, she told the Commission during the hearing, held via videoconference.

“I don’t feel it’s clearly marked and I did not do it intentionally at all and I just don’t understand and I don’t think it’s fair,” Scavo said.

The commissioners said the space was clearly marked by the sign and that any motorist pulling into the spot should have noticed it.

After a brief discussion, the appointed body voted 4-0 to uphold the ticket.

“If I would have seen that spot, I never would have parked in there,” Commissioner Jennifer Donovan said. “She claims she did not see it. That’s really irrelevant.”

Chair Keith Richey and Commissioners Donovan, Peter Ogilvie and Laura Budd voted to uphold.

Parking Manager Stacy Miltenberg noted that there is blue paint on the street where the space is and although “it needs to be improved a little,” that the utility company is “working on the street currently.” Miltenberg has said in the past that state law requires street-side signs to warn motorists of parking rules.

Regarding the sign that is affixed to a railing alongside the disabled space in question, Miltenberg said, “The majority fo people do see the sign.”

Scavo said she sometimes parks in Locust Avenue Lot and has been coming to New Canaan to use a service business on Main Street.

One thought on “Town Upholds $150 Ticket for Woman Who Parked in Disabled Space

  1. Harsh. Ungenerous spiritually. Why not err on the side of mercy?

    It does sound like the designation needs « to be
    improved a little. »

    And is everyone wealthy enough to pay $150 asap? Also, irrelevant, probably.

    Why not have « the one pass » rule?

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