Did You Hear … ?


The New Canaan Police Department’s animal control officer on the morning of Friday, Aug. 30 used a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich to draw in a skittish young dog, seemingly abandoned on Cedar Lane

This young female shepherd mix was picked up by New Canaan Animal Control on Cedar Lane on Aug. 30, 2024. Photo courtesy of NCPD

Officer Sean Godejohn said he was going away that weekend and asked Greenwich Animal Control if they could watch the Black Tavern/Belgian Shepherd mix female. Greenwich agreed, and “the staff fell in love with the dog and asked if they could keep the dog and adopt the dog out,” Godejohn said. He agreed, and the dog will be up for adoption via Greenwich Animal Control on Saturday (Godejohn got the bacon, egg and cheese from Club Sandwich.)


Now showing at The Playhouse movie theater on Elm Street: “Reagan” and “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.”


Two big art exhibition openings coming up: The Carriage Barn 2024 Annual Member Show has an opening reception 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7 (runs through Oct. 6), and Silvermine Art Galleries will hold an opening reception for the 74th A-ONE (runs through Oct. 24) from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14. The 74th A-ONE is a national exhibition highlighting the diversity of work that is currently being made by established and emerging artists.


Jhumpa Lahiri with “Roman Stories.” Credit: Laura Sciacovelli

New Canaan Library will host Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri as guest speaker at its 17th Annual Literary Luncheon, to be held at 11 a.m. on Nov. 8 at the Country Club of New Canaan. “Lit Lunch guests will be treated to a Roman themed afternoon, a chance to win a magnificent drawing prize courtesy of Manfredi jewelers, and the opportunity to hear one of the world’s foremost fiction writers describe why she began writing exclusively in Italian when she moved with her family to Italy several years ago,” Ellen Sullivan Crovatto, Vice President of External Affairs and Philanthropy, said in a press release. For additional information or questions, visit the library’s website or email Allison Zinczenko azinczenko@newcanaanlibrary.org. (Sign up here for the library’s timely newsletters.)


Police on Aug. 31 received two reports from Hoyt Farm Road — an unlocked vehicle entered and garage door opener stolen (8:30 a.m.) and an unlocked vehicle with its keys inside stolen from a different home (12:30 p.m.).


First Presbyterian Church of New Canaan will hold its annual Rally Day at 11:30 a.m. Sunday.


Join the New Canaan YMCA by Sept. 30 and earn a $0 joiner fee and free month.


Here’s the program for Sunday’s centennial celebration of Bristow Park, New Canaan’s bird sanctuary and wildwood preserve. It kicks off with a 2 p.m. welcome address from First Selectman Dionna Carlson.


Police are investigating a report received at 10:27 a.m. on Aug. 24, of a man entering a retail store on Forest Street and stealing about $747 in merchandise.


The New Canaan Democrats are holding their Annual BBQ, an election kickoff party, from 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday at the Carriage Barn Arts Center. Details and tickets here.


Friendly reminder that it’ll soon be October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. New Canaan resident Julie Stein, a 6-year breast cancer survivor, is once again running “”Project Pink New Canaan Breast Cancer Awareness” with pink lights downtown. Last year, the initiative raised $17,000, with all proceeds going to Breast Cancer Alliance to help fulfill its mission of finding a cure. Stay tuned for updates.


Police are investigating a report received at 3:32 p.m. Monday of a window broken on a parked vehicle in Waveny and a purse stolen from it.


The Youth Employment Service or “Y.E.S.” in New Canaan High School’s College and Career Center offers local businesses an opportunity to post any job that may be suitable for teenagers.Should your business need afternoon or weekend help that would appeal to a high school student, please contact Susan Carroll, at NCHS College and Career Center at susan.carroll@ncps-k12.org. (Any job posted should be in keeping with Department of Labor guidelines.)


Police at 2:37 p.m. on Aug. 30 received a report of a building at 100 Elm St. vandalized by graffiti. The investigation is ongoing.


The John and Ethel Kashulon Foundation, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of the most vulnerable members in our society by investing in children and families, has announced the appointment of two New Canaanites to its Board of Directors, led by President Chris Le Bris, also of New Canaan: Jim Murray and George Benington.


The Encore Club of New Canaan has elected Rose Bauersfeld, a town resident for 27 years, as president for a 2024-26 term. They club kicks off its annual season with a Welcome Back Fall Luncheon on Sept. 17 that is open to all members and their guests.


Finally—courtesy of event section sponsor April Kaynor & Kelly DeFrancesco of William Raveis—here are more local happenings worth checking out (add your event to the Community Calendar here and we’ll share it with fellow residents):

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