As the temperature starts to drop and the leaves start to turn it is never too soon to take some preliminary action to prepare for cooler weather. Not only will it save you money on your utility bills it will help ensure your safety and comfort during cold weather.

Fire Marshal Paul Payne. Credit: Michael Dinan
Home Heating Systems
Should be professionally inspected, cleaned, and serviced at least every year. Many companies offer discounted rates for a maintenance call versus an emergency repair.
Wood Stoves
As we all face higher heating costs for our homes we will be looking for ways to save a few dollars. A building permit is required when installing a Wood Stove and they must be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid a disaster. Depending on use the chimney must be cleaned at least 3 times per year and ashes must be dealt with very carefully using metal containers with lids.
Space Heaters
Space heaters can be dangerous if not used in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions. Check your owner’s manual for general maintenance and cleaning instructions. Each season before using space heaters inspect them for damage, including the power cord. It is more economical to replace older units than to have them repaired. Newer units are safer and more economical to operate.
Gasoline Powered Equipment
Gasoline powered equipment and flammable liquids should not be stores inside the home. Fuel containers should be of an approved type with caps tightly sealed. Check any unused fuel remaining in the gas powered equipment’s fuel tank and ensure caps are tightly sealed.
General Home Fire Safety
Most fires in the U.S. occur in the kitchen. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted when you are cooking. If you must leave the kitchen, carry something with you as a reminder or set the timer
Smoke Detectors
Don’t assume these lifesaving appliances work just by looking at it. They require some basic maintenance to make sure they will work properly. Nuisance or false alarms are the number one cause for battery removal and are usually caused by installing units too close to the kitchen and or heating vents. Relocate units to prevent false alarms.
- Replace the battery once a year.
- Clean dust and cob webs from around the cover to let air flow inside.
- Replace units that are ten years old or if its reliability is in question.
- Push the test button once a month to make sure it works properly.
Home Fire Escape Plans
Everyone in the home must be involved in the design and practice of your fire drills, especially children. Practicing the plan helps to identify any unforeseen difficulties that may arise when trying to escape.
- Designate one meeting place for everyone to gather after evacuating.
- Children need to know how to save themselves when no one can help them.
- Practice the plan once a year or anytime living arrangements change in the home.
- Get everyone out first! Then call 9-1-1 from a phone away from the home.
To schedule a home visit or for questions regarding these or any fire safety topics please contact the New Canaan Fire Marshal’s Office at 203-594-3030.