11 thoughts on “‘Patisserie Salzburg’ To Open on Elm Street 

  1. I used to get my baked desserts at Garelick and Herbs, but they too have gone. So, welcome “Patisserie Salzburg”! As soon as you open, I’ll be trying your chocolate gananche cake.?

  2. Dimitri, you would have enjoyed the Swiss Chalet. It was a New Canaan staple for many years on Elm Street. And who could forget the unmatched hard rolls of the Broad River Bakery, just down the road.

    • Dimitri, I agree with your post regarding both the Swiss Chalet (wonderful Coffee cakes and chocolate eclairs) and the Broad River bakery (great hard rolls and superb rye bread) My family would often go to this bakery just when the rye bread was coming out of the oven and take one home hot, slice it and watch the butter just melt into the bread. So delicious. Great memories from both businesses.

  3. It is great to hear that a “real”pastry shop is finally coming back to town. The Suisse Chalet was pretty good, but they did not match St. Moritz on Greenwich Ave in Greenwich (have been there over 50 years) and Fininceer which has a branch in Grand Central Station ( on left as you go towards downtown subway). The grocery stores in town don’t even come close to playing in this game. Palmers in Rowayton does!
    i also say welcome “Patisserie Salzburg”

  4. I guess those pastries on the counter of Rosie’s are garbage huh?
    Oh and the bread at Le Pain Quotidien must be disgusting.
    Nice way to dismiss and ignore the merchants who hold the fort on Elm Street during difficult times. Wow.

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