A Logan Road dog is under 45 days of strict home confinement after suffering a puncture wound while tussling with a raccoon, officials said. It happened around 3 p.m. Friday, and the 12-year-old Border collie had the raccoon in his mouth when the mammal appeared to have bit the dog in the face. The dog is up-to-date on its rabies vaccinations, according to Officer Allyson Halm of the New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control section. The raccoon got away.

Sandra Dennies, interim CFO for the town. Credit: Michael Dinan
The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday approved by a 3-0 vote the hiring of Sandra Dennies as interim CFO for the town. “I would be happy to serve until there is a permanent replacement that is identified,” Dennies said at the meeting, held in Town Hall. The selectmen made no specific mention of Dawn Norton, who has served as finance director of New Canaan for five years, but who shouldered some criticism from members of the Audit Committee for what they called lingering “material weaknesses” in some areas. During the meeting, First Selectman Rob Mallozzi noted that his appointed “overseer” of the finance department, Administrative Officer Tom Stadler, is going away and that officials “want to be sure that someone is there in a daily leadership role.” Mallozzi added that the town will proceed carefully and deliberately in finding a successor permanent CFO. Selectman Nick Williams agreed, adding: “We know about the material weakness issues and that cannot happen again. Just cannot happen again. I will not stand for it.”

Bobby Troup
New Canaanites are rallying around a town man from a prominent, longtime local family who recently was diagnosed with cancer. Funds are being raised for New Canaan High School graduate Bobby Troup—son of the late Robert “Papa Blue” Troup, also known as “The Colonel” following his experiences in World War II’s Pacific campaign in Saipan—who will miss work and must move nearer to where he’s undergoing surgery and treatment in Boulder, Col., where he lives with his four beloved Border collies. “Bobby has four dogs which are his family and will also need to go for walks and have some play time,” according to his fundraising page, here. “They are sweet dogs and are very well behaved should anyone know of a home rental in the boulder area.” Read New Canaanite Paul Devlin’s SportsRip post “Praying For Bobby Troup” here.
NCPD Chief Leon Krolikowski said the department is ramping up its efforts to stop distracted driving among local motorists. “Zero Tolerance” enforcement will occur in the center of town, as well as on South Avenue, New Norwalk Road, Smith Ridge Road, Oenoke Ridge Road “and other roads that have unacceptable accident rates,” the chief said.

The Bobby, available at design solutions on Elm Street.
Elm Street shop design solutions is introducing the “Bobby,” a backpack with protection like a personal policeman: It has a zipper that is fully hidden in the back of the bag, concealed pockets and material that is cut-proof.
The selectmen on Tuesday approved a $14,500 contract with New Canaan’s Mill River Tree Service for removal, pruning and stump removal work throughout town, including at these locations:
- 231 Ponus Ridge—remove sugar maple trunk
- Ponus Ridge south of parkway—remove sugar maple
- 46 Gerdes Road—remove maple and grind stump
- Sleepy Hollow between 2 and 16—remove dead ash tree and decayed maple
- 50 Sleepy Hollow—remove dead ash
- Opposite 50 Sleepy Hollow—remove two maples and dead cedar
- 815 Ponus Ridge—remove red maple and grind stump
- Weed Street from Wahackme to West—grind seven marked stumps
- 32 West Road—grind maple stump
The Town Building Evaluation and Use Committee is anticipating that it will be working with 2,000-plus pages in its assessment of publicly owned structures, according to Bill Oestmann, superintendent of buildings in the Department of Public Works.
Originally scheduled for Sunday, May 7, the New Canaan Police “Run with the Law” for the Special Olympics scheduled has been postponed till the fall. A new date will be provided when it has been selected.

Highlights from LiveGirl “Girls Can Lead” Leadership Summit (at Grace Farms, April 29th).
Silver Hill Hospital has announced its disbursement of funds through a donor-guided fund at the New Canaan Community Foundation. The Valley Road psychiatric hospital is to benefit the New Canaan High School Parent Faculty Association (for post-prom), LiveGirl’s summer leadership program and three camp scholarships, translation equipment at Horizons as well as a scholarship for a child in the summer program, and a drum set and recording equipment for Grove Street-based Arts for Healing.
Finally, here’s a gallery spotlighting more newsworthy happenings in New Canaan, including a recent LiveGirl event and the Gridiron Show:
From the 2017 Gridiron Show's "Ladies Night," honoring this year's fall guy, Rick Franco—April 26, 2017. Photo courtesy of Kelley Franco