4 thoughts on “Parking Commission Votes 4-1 To Recommend Widening Spaces in Morse Court, Playhouse Lots

  1. Thank you to resident Jeff Holland for bringing this issue to the attention of the Parking Commission and thank you to the Parking Commissioners for voting to pursue widening the spaces.

    And, Mike, Thanks so much for following up on this story!

    Betty J. Lovastik on December 1, 2019 at 7:55 am said:

    I applaud Mr. Holland’s observation of the Morse Court Parking Lot and his raising awareness for our town officials to review our own regulations. Providing adequate width for cars should result in easier parking for residents and visitors with less ticketing and vehicular damage.

    I cannot tell you how many times we drive past “open” parking spaces because, even if I can park my RAV4 into them, I simply cannot open the door to get out without damaging my car or the car next to mine.

    When I attend Town meetings in the evenings I often find myself driving around and thinking, “not here, can’t fit,”; “not here, the other car is parked on the line”. And how many of us have parked with no other cars next to ours, only to return and find that our car is sandwiched in between two huge SUVs that are so close to our car that we cannot get back into it?

  2. This is terrific news! The Suburban line up of SUV’s is 81” wide, so now with 13.5” of space to open doors rather than the current 4.5” we should see more people coming to town to shop.

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