7 thoughts on “Election 2023: Republican Candidates for First Selectman Debate West School Cell Tower Plan [UPDATED]

  1. For Kevin Moynihan to state that Soundview Lane residents “are now accepting of the (Richey) Cel Tower” is a categorical lie. On what basis does he get off making such a statement? Has he done follow up with the neighbors? Any discussions with us? Perhaps a post construction focus group? Nothing. As the Town’s Chief Representative of the public, quit misrepresenting us Kevin.

    • The first selectman made a number of mischaracterizations during the debate. Beyond those already noted in our coverage, he said that an ethics complaint lodged against him just prior to the 2021 municipal election turned out to be “bogus.” In fact, the Ethics Board determined that Moynihan’s actions amounted to a violation of the Code of Ethics, though instead of citing him for such a violation, the appointed body issued an advisory opinion—its resolution can be found here—that the Code itself needs to be made even more clear on such matters, and that in the future such actions will be flagged as outright violations. As previously noted on this news site, Moynihan appeared to heed the Ethics Board’s findings, as he issued no similar “endorsement letter” in the following year’s election. (It also is perhaps worth noting here that members of the Ethics Board—including a Republican who was the sole member to dissent in the resolution—found Moynihan’s own summary of the ethics complaint and process to be demonstrably false.)

    • What a perfect day to do something about it.

      For years New Canaanites have organized to protect our schools and neighborhoods from predatory developers, forced regionalization, and cell towers looming over our schools and homes. We filled a void.

      • Save Weed Street
      • Hands Off Our Schools
      • Tower Free New Canaan

      But it isn’t sustainable for private citizens to scramble to raise money and start organizations for each new issue. It is time to choose local leaders who will lead. To all of my neighbors who participated in our grassroots efforts: if it was worth your time to put up a sign or write a letter, then it is worth voting today at the New Canaan Republican Caucus.

  2. Please note that this article has been updated with a comment from St. Luke’s School in response to Kevin Moynihan’s assertion that the school is “happy that it’s there,” with reference to the cell tower on Soundview Lane.

    Asked for a comment, St. Luke’s Associate Head of School & Chief Financial Officer Julia Gabriele issued the following statement: “This is the first we are hearing of this unfounded comment. Nobody representing St. Luke’s has made statements about the cell tower since its installation. The tower was installed after St. Luke’s publicly expressed concerns and without our consent.”

  3. Gosh, I tend to believe Moynihan when he says it’s safe. Actually come to think of it – let’s just make Kevin the default authority on everything in our lives. Whatever Kevin thinks, I’ll do. It’ll just make things easier to have one person in charge of all our decisions. A government of checks and balances is probably overrated anyway. It’s also reassuring to know that Kevin never makes any mistakes – which is why the affordable housing situation is going so well and neither of his fellow Selectman will talk to him. It’s cause he’s a smart, competent guy, with zero bias.

    Or, here’s another idea. Send this dinosaur packing tonight. Enough is enough.

  4. I agree wholeheartedly with Chris‘s and Paul’s comments above.

    To everyone who has put time and effort into fighting back against these proposals, please vote tonight.

    With respect to the candidates, I’ve been an unabashed supporter of Kimberly Norton. Kim was an incredible advocate for West School families who opposed the tower.

    I would like a First Selectman who is crystal clear where they stand on cell towers and improving cell service.

    From Day 1 of her campaign, Kim has said that she won’t build cell towers at schools or parks (including Irwin Park), or seek out public property for a tower. Among all the 1st Selectman candidates, she is the only one who has made that broad commitment. Anyone who wants to fact-check me can refer back to the candidate announcements in the newcanaanite.

    Kim has said she will work with the Utilities Commission (an advisory group to the First Selectman per the Town Charter). She is committed to bringing less invasive tech to solve cell-service gaps. That is reassuring to me.

  5. 1st Selectmen Moynihan’s cell phone tower crusade is an ill-advised, anti-citizen, anti-health, pro-corporate interest, untruthful, government overreach program past its expiry date. Sounds like he should be running in the other party.

    No New Cell Tower’s in New Canaan. Protect our Property Rights! Vote for Kim Norton, firmly against cell tower from day 1.

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